Review contracts 5x faster without sacrificing accuracy

Pactly automates redline reviews and centralizes your institutional intelligence to help you execute bullet-proof legal contracts much faster, without risking mistakes.

We simplify contract management for organizations of all sizes

Streamlined contract review no matter the source

Pactly simplifies template and counterparty contract reviews with a powerful Microsoft Word plugin. Put an end to line-by-line reviews

Make contract reviews structured, consistent and mind-numbingly fast

Pactly automatically identifies any changes to your template and puts your preferred positions and clauses at your fingertips. Incorporate your own guidance notes, fallback positions and access your historical negotiation insights to make each review better than the last.

Easily track changes across versions

Easily track changes across versions

Capture institutional knowledge

Institutional knowledge at your fingertips

fast contracts
work with technology

Work with the technology you and your partners know and love

Pactly's simple Microsoft Word plugin works with the #1 choice of document editor for businesses worldwide. Review, edit and negotiate seamlessly without learning new software or reformatting documents.

Integrated Microsoft Word plugin

Integrated Microsoft Word plugin

Review, edit, and negotiate with ease

Review, edit, and negotiate with ease

Put an end to line-by-line reviews

Pactly compares contract versions to detect every change, no matter how small. So you know what to review without scrolling line-by-line

Visualize contract changes over time

Save a new version of your contract at every round of edits. See change history on a graphic timeline to recreate negotiations in an instant

Access intelligence on-demand

Access your preferred language, terms, and fallback positions for any clause, without relying on checklists or lengthy manuals.

Create contract versions to track changes across time easily.
Jump to proposed edits instantly, without scrolling line-by-line
Compare redlines to your acceptable position without changing windows
Instantly find inadvertent or malicious edits without poring over every line
Access historical data to see how a clause has been modified previously
simplify contracts
Simplify everyday contract reviews

Playbooks help you review your most frequent contract types faster by taking a checklist-like approach to checking compliance with critical positions.

navigate external contracts
Navigate external contracts quickly

Pactly automatically identifies the relevant sections in counterparty contracts. You can simply click to jump to the parts that matter most to you.

knowledge base
Get the knowledge you need, instantly

Access definitions, standards, and historical precedents on-demand, without cross-referencing with manuals or reading archived contracts.

Create contract versions to track changes across time easily.
Jump to proposed edits instantly, without scrolling line-by-line
Compare redlines to your acceptable position without changing windows
Instantly find inadvertent or malicious edits without poring over every line
Access historical data to see how a clause has been modified previously

Simplify contract management to get more done


Frequently asked questions

Our clients' most frequently asked questions

Do I need to have a negotiation playbook?

Most customers prefer to onboard their negotiation playbooks (a.k.a. contract review checklist, legal review playbook), but there is no strict requirement to have one. We have a couple of playbooks out of the box and can work with you to develop one from scratch or introduce you to one of our partners to help you with this.

What kind of contracts do you review?

There is technically no limit on what type of contracts you can review using Pactly. Playbooks are customisable either on your own, with our partners or with us. We have seen customers use playbooks for real estate contracts, leases, supply of goods/services contracts, employment agreements, procurement contracts, software licenses and many other business contracts. We also provide playbooks to review a non disclosure agreement (a.k.a confidentiality agreement) and services agreements and will be adding more to our standard library.

Is the review fully automated? Will the AI make all the changes and send out the draft for me?

No, we've built Pactly on the assumption that you'll still be reviewing (or glancing through) the contract. Our objective isn't to build a robot lawyer but to design deliberate capabilities and processes using our platform to help you review faster and negotiate less (e.g., introducing better structure in templates and helping you adapt your negotiation strategy). If you're looking for a solution to make all the edits and send it out automatically, we may not be the best fit for you.

Does this work if I am a solo general counsel?

Yes, definitely. Many of our most active users are solo counsels. The popular use cases tend to be driving self-service by the business teams and incrementally building the right foundations for scaling a legal team (e.g. setting up a review checklist, consolidating internal know-how around negotiating key agreements).

Generally, most of our customers are in house legal departments (as opposed to law firms). 

Do you use artificial intelligence/machine learning?

Yes, Pactly is a legal technology company that offers a contract AI review solution. We use machine learning models primarily to identify clauses and concepts present or absent in your agreement as part of our process to review contracts. This model-based identification is the first step in remediating most issues, and it helps us provide the relevant context to the user and speed up the review.